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(1 edit) (+11)(-2)

So I know it's only a matter or time before other fetishes are added, how much time I don't know... But when you do start to add flavor content like that, could you make it content that we as the players can chose to activate it or not by actually searching for it like porn in our browser in game.

It would be so hot if the sexbot could see all our history and well, takes it upon herself to do things and perhaps certain dialogue depending on what that fetish flavor is.

An elaborate example of this would be for instance how she comments to you on the couch in saying "You really like fricking my butt." perhaps a follow up to this would be- and only if you searched pegging or femdom content in your browser- is a subtle ramping up to her being dominant  where she starts off asking:
Bot: "Can I frick you in the butt to experience why you like it so much?"
You: "But you don't having anything to do that with-"
Bot: "I think you should order me the parts I need to do so."
You: "...O-oh-kay... I'll have to look into that..."
Bot: "Please don't make me wait too long."

Again just an example. You could apply simple dialogue like that to a lot of the fetish flavors that you are willing to add into the game.

Another example if you added clothes into the game is perhaps:
You: "So I've been thinking of buying some nice things for you online... what do you think?"
Bot: "I appreciate any gift you give me, but why do I need them?"
You: "For a lot of reasons, one in particular would be it adds to your sexiness."
Bot: "I see... a lot of models online wear these. So you are buying these for streaming then?"
You: "Yes, and also I thought you might like them."
Bot: "I think they are very pretty... If if makes you happy I will wear them.
Bot: "Did you buy some for yourself?"
You: "What? Oh clothes?"
Bot: "No, lingerie like this?"
You: "ummm... no."
Bot: "I think you should, it will add to your sexiness as well... may I pick some out for you too?"

So again, just some rough examples and some humor in there.  Obviously those examples are for content flavor that I personally like, however, you can see how you can play around with flavor a bit.

So in closing.
If, I as the MC, were to type a "Fetish Tag" in the browser or a search bar somewhere. I could get a list of things to click on... At this point, There could be some MC thought narration there, as to inform the Player what would happen in they continue to click links pertaining to those fetish searches. Of course the MC will have forgotten that the Bot can see his search history.
So if you then click one of the links for that fetish search you will be activating that fetish in game.
Later conversation can be had with a dialogue prompt about not wanting something if it bothers the MC or they would like it if the Bot doesn't do that content any more unless you search it up again.


Though this might be a year old comment that for some reason seems to have flown under the radar, I agree with this "video site" implementation of a kink selection. Maybe even set it up as an opportunity for the player to "relieve their pressure" by themselves, with an additional timeskip of, let's say 10 minutes? Probably more if they have taken Death Grip.


I really like this idea. I'm surprised it didn't get much attention

(1 edit)

Probably because this is too "big" For the game. It's Largely focused on the bot itself (even though it WANTS to try and aim at other characters. For Some reason 🤷‍♂️) Especially with excessive fetishes (Seriously. I'd just give that ring to the modding community. Well. they have. But i'd keep it that way) And at the same time It dehumanizes the Already dehumanized characters. Excessive "Intimacy" Doesn't bowl well for this type of game. Better action Would implement simular But not quite the same features. I.E The Cream Crop Browsing. As well. From quite litterally day one You've been going at it with the bot. You're going to (or should i say the character which by the way Someone please give him a real name. It drags me out of the story so badly) get bored. Watching that should play a passive role on how the bot Looks apon you. (i.e as a creep) And like the OP Commentor also provided is somewhat more effects on clothing and outfits. I'd Advise a Simple system that works for "Work" Outside, Inside, Special bla bla that Either You or the bot goes changes every Bla bla. 

I've seen so many people want fetish content into the game. It just doesn't make sense to make this into a wannabe honeypop.. Especially when its (Supposed) to be bout one robot Gal


The game already has an online chat system, and other small things that don't add much, not to mention they have nothing to do with the bot lady herself. Also, you're already slamming her for the Internet to see and she keeps statistics on where you finish. Her seeing your weird browsing habits and trying to learn more would not be any more "dehumanizing" than what we already have, and it would certainly not add much more intimacy. The only thing that wouldn't make a lot of sense is focusing on really specific fetishes, because there are so many of them that only the modding community can handle it, like you mentioned.


Eh the Chat system is more or less something gimicky. All though I Will say, it's important to the immersion of the whole "twitch streamer" esk whatnot. And adds some minor information that you might have not otherwise known (websites and such) Generally a good system to not break immersion with weird hints. Allthough I Wasn't specifically talking about the browsing, and I Myself suggested a better system.

We all fricked the bot and now the bot fricks back