I made online multiplayer (20+ players) game
Tank Tactics is a simple looking online multiplayer game about cooperation and trust.

Rules overview
You control a tank in a grid among 20+ other players. Your goal is to kill everyone else and remain the only one alive. Do you have what it takes to be the one?
All your actions cost action points. You can shoot within your range (1 damage - 1 action point), you can move (1 cell - 1 action point), you can gift your action points or health to other players within your range. Your range starts at 2, but you can upgrade it for 3 action points. You can also heal for 3 action points.
How do you get action points? You get 1 action point every 17 hours. This is a slow-paced game. And this is intentionally so: talk, unite, strategize and plan with other players in-between. The game is going to take a couple of weeks to complete, probably, but it shouldn't require more than a few minutes of your time each day ... At least that's what the original game creator Luka Muscat thought before they had started playing. And 8 days later they had to ban the game. Read more and join on the: