Biology meets bullet-hell, awesome idea!
Really love the feel of the game and having an army of 'minions' to do the work for you feels fun! I wish it would be possible to give them more precise controls, I'm not entirely sure what the 'E' button does exactly just a binary switch between following and attacking? I felt the tutorial was over before I had the opportunity to absorb all the information. The difficulty ramped up very quickly when the big blue guys showed up and unfortunately after that I wasn't spawning any bullets on my next try (I think it might be a bug). When I died, it was not exactly clear to me why I died, I think I still had health.
I play on a widescreen monitor and the buttons on the start menu (which looks totally amazing by the way) seemed to be misplaced (I had to click slightly beside 'start' to get the game to start). Speaking of graphics, they really turned out fantastic, I love the parallax effect and all the particle effects. The music really felt great and fits the gameplay nicely, but it was a bit jarring when it just went silent all of a sudden. You definitely used way too strong screen-shake, made be feel a bit sick almost.
Great job on the game, its certainly unique!