Hey this was a great job and I really enjoyed it. Pixel art was great of course, I enjoyed the music, and combat had some cool unique mechanics. I found the writing to be quite good as well, so I think you really checked all the boxes.
Game could have stood to have fewer battles, especially since grinding is so slow paced with only one attacker, and a frequent delay of a turn to use any skills. Simply replacing Reid's Attack with Defend would have made the UI navigation easier, as well as shaving off one or two skills that don't serve too much of a purpose that kind of makes choosing what to learn or do cumbersome. Also after getting a log, I was pretty much unstoppable with or without Reid, so balance felt a little worth checking.
Post game content was cool, but make sure you check your switches too. It's possible to retrigger stair dialog as if Reid were still there and even refight the last battle post game.
Keep making games! If you did this in a month including learning the engine, I anticipate some great stuff from you.