It's a unique concept, something I haven't seen in this jam. It's a bit too hard for me and I think for a reason you haven't accounted for. For example, finding a bomb behind the wall was the most difficult task for me meanwhile finding out a bomb in space took me few seconds (The game describes them as the opposite). I think this is because:
- I don't know what the different sounds of walking (ground) mean. Is it just different to make more variety? Does it mean I'm facing a wall and don't move forward?
- I know the game explains at the start what does beeping means, but honestly, I didn't remember. Not sure whether you should attempt to fix something like this for a jam, but I think this knowledge might be useful in the future.
- Deciding whether I'm going forward to the object is easier while using the headphones than deciding whether I have moved far enough to turn around.
And also, I feel like the game at the start poorly explains movement.
Overall I enjoyed the game. It's well made, as always there is a bit of room to make it a perfect experience.