So awesome! Love the "gibberish" voiceovers when dialog is on the screen. (You already did so much in just 7 days, but in the future if you wanted to put more into this I would suggest adding a few different sounds so it doesn't get too repetitive).
The only thing that "bothered" me was the use of "A" to talk - and it may be just me anyway, but (esp. after playing so many games back to back 🥴 lol) most games use wasd keys to move (although *I* prefer arrows so thank you for that 👍) so I kept pressing A to move and would instead start talking to the assistant again. Or worse - at the portals I would mean to walk away and I would hit "A" and go back through the portal and all the way back to start! Ugh. But that was just me hitting the wrong key... you could possibly use a different key though. It seems "E" is used a lot for interacting. (You could put the list on a different key and use "E" to interact instead. )
I love the humor - especially the TV show mention (we *love* that show) and WWSD lol I got it right away and chuckled and then when sabrina didn't get it and satan had to explain it I laughed out loud again 🤣 I love the art work and the lighting. Satan looks like Jeremy Renner 😎 Walking around with a torch is really cool. The portal puzzle was a nice touch (and just frustrating enough lol, not too too hard).
Great idea. Great job!