Thank you for your feedback!
The tutorial is awful, we will make a new one. Unlocking cards as you play is planned for the new version. We are aware of the information overload you can get when you play the game. In the next version we will get rid of the gold ressource, everything will be bought with water and it won't be possible to upgrade "water gain delay" anymore (so that's less to learn and to care about). Also the cards won't have all their informations shown at the same time, so you won't feel too overwhelmed. Our goal is to focus on deckbuilding and roguelike aspect so we won't have a map with hundred of levels. We have an objective of having 5 chapter per run with 20 waves each.
Awesome, I will keep an eye on your releases!
I will restrain my stream of thoughts, let me just say that just from purely practical side: sitting through 20 waves at your First acquaintance with the game seems to be a high barrier. Player will get a real feedback on their actions only by the end. Of course, you shouldn't explain your whole vision to me, you have reasons, I just think there's a problem to be addressed. Good luck! ;)