After a few tries I got to 5188... I need to practice.
Those yellow rockets are the bane of my existence. =)
I know there's a limited time and you probably thought about a lot of this but I like to provide feedback on the games I play:
- Your jumping is juicy (I like it)
- Are the jump sounds random. I noticed there were a few different ones?
- The dust on jumping too is nice.
- Difficulty progression is perfect. It starts slow and lets the player get comfortable. I find a lot of jam games throw you right into the deep end and I kind of puts me off.
- Parallax background is a nice touch.
- Maybe have the background tinted a bit darker
- I feel like I should be able to move backwards faster but that is personal preference.
- Is the level chunked? And you are loading in sections randomly?
Cool game.
If you have the time I'd love to hear your thoughts on my submission.