I am embarrassed at how long it took me to figure out what the intro screen was showing me. I kept moving just one ship. Once I figured it out, though, I think it was a really clever way to get the player used to the controls. Kept me safe from the enemies while I got the keys sorted out.
I loved the music and sound effects. Together, they created a really energetic vibe. Controlling two ships as one person got crazy so quickly. I'd love a way to swap between them in a one-player mode.
Also, the different colors bullets impacting the different ships was unique. Took me a minute to get the hang of what was going on, but it's a neat idea.
If I could add any feature to this, it'd be some feedback information on the health of the players and enemies and maybe a sun/moon bomb to wipe out the whole screen of baddies.
Great work on this!