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This is a promising start. the animations are nice (mostly). The biggest gripe I have with it right now is the lack of control remapping, or more so that the attack button is alt. Don't use alt for a control, especially since alt+space seems to softlock dialogue cutscenes. The movement is a bit iffy. it feels floaty and a bit unresponsive, which isn't helped with all of the platforming on tiny platforms over instakill lava lakes. Some more animation frames for things like jumping would also be nice. The combat is pretty raw. The delay between pressing the button to attack and attacking is frustratingly bad, you can't attack in midair, the boss being invincible during certain animations is annoying, the fact that your only form of defense is a parry is annoying (although you may be trying to make the Sekiro of adult Souls-lites, idk), and I couldn't tell if it was possible to shake off the dog/boar before he raped me. 

There are other things I could nitpick, but this is honestly not bad for a very first alpha build from a solo dev. Just needs more polish, more reiterating design choices, and more content. I'm excited to see where this goes.

And as an aside, would it be at all possible to have a paid version of the game on itchio as well as on Patreon? I'd be more than happy to pay for a version with the latest updates and stuff, as well as to generally support development, but I just don't like subscription models (for probably the same reason devs love them, but still).


Thank you so much for playing the game and for taking the time to write this. I think you raise some very valid points that I completely agree with and I hope to keep working on those things in the future. 

Your suggestion to have a paid version on itchio is a great idea and one I'll look into making happen sooner rather than later. 
