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Very cool hand-drawn art style! And fighting off hordes of alien monsters was frantic fun. I especially liked the lizard/salamander-looking one, they almost look too cute to shoot :)

I like the fact that you included multiple different weapons, and that they all feel different. It was a bit confusing at first what the bullets were and why there were additional particles being emitted from the gun, but that's a minor point. The particle effects of the explosions looked really nice. I like the music, fitted well to the setting of the game. Also the 'endless' aspect of the game is really cool but maybe giving the player a bit of reprieve in-between waves of spawning might have been good (but less chaotic, I know). Eventually I was overwhelmed by enemies because they were spawning faster than I could take them down and they cornered me I a place where I couldn't get to the gun that had spawned.

One technical issue I had was that the game didn't display properly on a widescreen monitor (the computers continue button was cut off) so I had to use my 2nd monitor instead. I think the enemies need proper pathfinding, they tend do get stuck on the level geometry, (presumably because they are always walking straight at the player?). Also the restart button doesn't seem to work. 

These are only minor issues though and I really enjoyed the game!


hi, first of all, thanks for the review, 

1 the particles from the gun are like muzzle flash, we tried to recreate that in a way that fits our game

2 . sorry for the waves one as we wanted the game to be just chaos and chaos every second so that's why after some time they start to spawn more frequently, once the jam is over I would update it and make it a bit easy

3 the issue must be with resolution as our game is made for 16:9 aspect ratio anything less than that or more would create problems, we would definitely fix that if he had time, really sorry for that.

4 we had first thought to use pathfinding but we have less time left and pathfinding would require more time for the enemies to think and would make the game resource hungry as it needs to perform more calculations as the game gets chaotic, we wanted to to make the game playable at every device no matter a low end or a high end, we will implement that in future, but I think as the enemies spawn more frequently than would be less noticeable.

5  we had noticed that the restart button doesn't work but at that time it was too late, the jam submission was over, really sorry for that also

but at last, the thing matters that you enjoyed it, thanks for playing and reviewing our game once again