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Firstly, I just want to say that I love seeing your feedback on other people's jam entries, its really great that you're engaging with the community :)

I love the art vibe for this piece. Very murky and evocative. Like the underwater setting the game takes place in. Very fitting. I also like the idea that over time, the mortals gradually get tricked/trapped in the faweater. I also like that the fae look like the places they inhabit and players are encouraged to describe what their fae looks like.

Would be nice to have: A printer friendly version. But I can't think of anything else. I suppose maybe random fae generating tables so players can roll up what their fae looks like/resides perhaps but it certainly isn't necessary.



Thank you! It's been great getting a chance to explore all the ideas people have brought forward; so many interesting games. 

And you're bang on with the feedback - - a printer friendly version is high on my priority list for this post-jam, and early drafts mapped out fae prompts. The former I'll definitely do; the latter I'm mulling over. People have created much more interesting fae in playtesting than I could have imagined, haha. 

Yes it's really interesting to see what other people can come up with