Yea let's not open pandoras box again, definitely not a good idea the first, or the second time, or any time.
Legitimately though this was a very interesting game, the first minute or so is definitely a big ol' fake out though before it starts going crazy. I was sitting there going "this isn't that hard" then the music stopped, and I regretted everything I said within seconds.
There were definitely some times where certain things weren't clearly "out of place" or it wasn't clear how to "clean them", ex. suzanne got turned around and I didn't know how to fix it. So I feel like being a bit more clear on that front. Plus making it a little less infuriating to actually clean things might be a good idea because it was relatively annoying on some items just to be able to actually pick them up etc..
You could possibly add complexity in some other way, for example cleaning tools or something similar could be interesting to implement.
Overall though definitely as I said, a very interesting and very intense game once it starts going. Definitely gonna try and beat that record, but dang is it hard.