fix the grammar. learn when to use "I" and "Me". Always use "I" when the subject but use "me" when its the object of a preposition of direct object. For example, "Tom and I went to the store." As opposed to "Dad took Tom and ME to the store. " I is the same as WE except I is singular and We is plural. You wouldn't say Dad took we to the store, neither do you say Dad took I to the store. It's dad to me to the store, or Tom and me. This is the biggest mistake people make with English grammar. They try to sound sophisticated but come off sounding ignorant. Also, you don't say, "Where are you at." The AT is completely ignorant, it's "Where are you?" And it's "What the fuck", not "The fuck." "The fuck are you doing" makes no sense. You would say "WHAT the fuck are you doing." Geeze Louise, it can't be that hard to find a proofreader for almost nothing. It makes an otherwise interesting story sound amateurish and ignorant. Not trying to be mean, merely helpful.