If they're assembled wrong (For example, a one hand grip and a pickaxe head =/= an item - The blacksmith can equip that, but it will not notify you of creation, update the name of item, nor allow a customer to buy it) they won't update.
If they're assembled right (for example one hand grip, one hand guard, and a 2-ingot blade) and they don't rename themselves
This is not necessarily "an issue" - not all items do indeed have a name. - If it tells you "You created an (insert item)" You're still fine, whether it labeled it or not.
if it is assembled corretly, it doesn't rename itself, AND you do not see a notification of assembly - THEN, there's a problem...
you can unassemble it, maybe for some reason the blade didn't cool off properly (FOR EXAMPLE, You dipped it in oil while the forge was running, and then proceeded to turn, with a cooled blade, and dragged the blade over the forge, causing it to heat up, but not enough to update "cooled" to "heated")
If everything else checked out, and it didn't work, and reassembly didn't work, multiple times - Then there may be a corruption in your files, you can either try unzipping it again, or downloading free, or trying through the itchio app