I'm glad someone got the reference! :) That was also why the award statuette was designed to look like a crying woman. (Although that's not entirely clear in the art of the banner at the theater, due to angles and such. Hopefully, for the full game we'll get the ending CGs made, and one of those will show the statuette more clearly.)
And yes, Pat is definitely functioning to keep Ace more-or-less stable. Or at least mostly harmless. *cough* Achilles in the myths has such a brutal, horrible aspect to him--and some of what Ace does in the bad end is in a way worse, since he's a musician rather than a trained killer--that I wanted Ace to reflect. Though in that regard, having Pat be the narrator is a drawback: he's so smitten that he doesn't really see just how easily Ace could slip completely around the bend.
I'm still cautiously (naively?) optimistic that I can get the rest of the game coded by the end of the month....