The first entry I've seen to use real live video which was definitely interesting and helped contribute to an overall story, though it did feel relatively disconnected mostly because there was no direction interaction and the video more set the scene for this unnamed "painter man". It was interesting nonetheless though.
I do have to say I did have a few issues with level design, less so than difficulty I'd say and more with the overall design of the levels and the mechanics surrounding them. Specifically I'd say on the reset mechanic in Stage 1 and the moving platforms in the final stage.
The reset being a full stage reset definitely got repetitive since I was just resetting due to some bad physics luck. So I feel like maybe making it less a full stage reset and possibly doing checkpoints of some sort would be nice. Or possibly toning down a bit of the physics blocks, cause the main roadblock is just the first area, after that it was relatively easy except for the areas where you can get softlocked due to physics. Hence the reset issue.
As for the final stage though, the main issue I had was the fact that the player does not lock to the platforms and move with them which makes it a lot more difficult to actually try and jump around the platforms. Add on the fact that the camera is perfectly locked to the player and it definitely disorients you slightly when it's going crazy and you're having to keep track of the players location on the platform.
There was also an issue I'd say with the fact that there is no warning for the rising "paint"(?) when you start attacking the eye, which lead to a lot of insta deaths and some unexpected deaths for me personally. So some sort of indication of that I feel would be a good addition, and possibly not making it an insta kill? Since it can immediately knock you into the paint at the bottom leading to an insta kill with no warning.
Otherwise tho overall this was an interesting and very different entry, Stage 2 was quite well down except for some bugs and pretty fun, and when I was able to progress Stage 4 was an interesting boss fight, though definitely very tense with all the insta kills and the long reset times.