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Looks great! Loved the bricks and the floor tiles. Voice acting and effects are fun too, getting Magicka vibes :D The brick-based menu is also a cool idea!

Would be nice to be able to skip the cutscenes on consecutive playthroughs. Also holding the grip buttons for a long time is not as convenient on Vive as it is on Oculus, but it might be just me.

Great job! Had fun slashing through the hordes of slimes.

Played with Vive Pro through SteamVR.

Hey, thanks for playing! We appreciate that you took your time to leave a constructive review as well. Skipping the cutscenes was actually part of the finished build, but we kind of messed up and uploaded an unfinished one last minute. Interesting to hear about the grip on Vive. I only used the Quest 2 to test on my machine. Hmm... we'll definitely look into better grip options for weapons if we do a full release :) Thanks for the suggestion!