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Played until I beat level 6, and then couldn't figure out how to open levels 7+. The entire time the screen was bigger than my 1080p monitor and I couldn't change it (on windows 7).

Dialog box rapid fire:

Remove the entire pre-title intro text. If you really want that character interaction, spread it out over the game
Speed up the title fade in
Show [T] somewhere so people know how to foward dialog. Might as well make spacebar, enter, right arrow, down arrow, and F also work as advance dialog since they don't do anything else while looking at dialog
Make pressing dailog-advance while the text is slowly appearing skip the text-slowly-appears animation
Make the key to open "!" boxes F or X or whatever the use key is, in addition to T

Make the backgrounds visible for the first areas. You almost lost me since the game looked so visually boring

Don't turn on walljumping, hovering, etc half way through a level. When I went to the teleporter, I was relying on the game introducing some way to save me so it was possible to run the level again

When the character dies, reset touched-blocks. If while falling into the void you touch any extra blocks, the optimal strategy is to always reset on the computer, since this isnt done automatically

Make reseting the level on the computer take less button presses.

On the 2nd run through a level, faintly show the removed blocks. This is so if you made the level impossible on your first run, you will know how to fix it.

It seems like there is no acceleration for moving. Just instant velocity for pressing a key. This makes it very difficult to hit 1 wide platforms

Blue-monster introduction seemed skipped. Maybe have their intro be a simpler level

There are some levels with small puzzle elements, but it seems like 90% is just basic platform-to-platform stuff.

Love the feedback, thanks! You have some excellent suggestions and I'm going to be implementing most of them without question.

Not sure why levels 7+ weren't opening. The code is the same for all of the doors and I've never run into or heard of this issue before.

The problem with using "Jump" or "Use" to advance the dialogue is that some dialogue can occur while the player can move, so I'll have to think of a way to make this jive with the rest of the game. Probably the best way is to simply make this type of dialogue run automatically when activated. The dialogue system was thrown together in a couple of days and is a heaping, barely functional mess to be honest, so I hope to be adding some refinements to it.

For resetting the touched blocks on death, later levels while have blocks disappear soon after touching them, so I'd like to keep that aspect of the game consistent at least. Although it does make sense to have the level reset blocks if you haven't reached a checkpoint or finished the first clear yet, now that I think about it. Thanks -- I'll make that fix, too.

Awesome feedback, love to hear these suggestions. You have a good eye for good game design. Looking forward to giving your game a play later today too. 👍