Hi I got this code error message while playing probably nothing major though. (sorry I don't have twitter so I didn't know how to tell you)
action number 1
of Other Event: User Defined 0
for object obj_NPC_noninteract:
Variable obj_NPC_noninteract.mem1_speak(100041, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Script_scr_npc_index
gml_Script_scr_npc_index (line -1)
gml_Object_obj_NPC_noninteract_Other_10 (line -1)
gml_Object_obj_PC_test_Step_0 (line -1)
Happend after I failed the audition against Faunxa and tried to talk to minor npc's. Tried restarting the game several times and it always shows up. (Really good game btw I really like it)
Edit: Fixed itself after I completed that job