Thank you very much for your deep analysis!
Most of the things I think are due to a fact that I got only 5 days to make this game and I needed to make a lot of compromises to be able to get the game out. Still I am happy that you gave me so many valuable suggestions for improving the game. :)
The companion currently just drops shields for the player. At first I wanted to go waayy more chaotic with the companion.. You had to control both of the characters at the same time... It was a fun idea but I abandoned it pretty fast because I noticed you would need extraordinary good reflexes and concentration to be able to master them both. However I did not want to leave another character out completely. At first he just wandered around the screen and blocked balls. I was thinking that it would be to easy so I left that ability out. Instead I made him drop shields...
The rotating level is very short. I encourage you to try again. The next level is more stable (but chaotic in other ways) and after that there will be a boss fight. ;)