Good quality. It's smooth enough that I can tell that a team is presumably working on this game rather than just one poor soul. Had some issues with the pause menu, I think Space and Esc both brought up screens but immediately closed them again and then wouldn't come back. I'll also admit that going through the tutorial my attention span dwindled shorter and shorter and more information was piled on. Obviously it's fine right now, but be sure that your end goal for a tutorial will be to have it broken down into explanations as the player progresses through the game rather than all at once, and like the double jump part requires you to actually do the thing (if the player doesn't just leave the particular tutorial segment and come back to it later)
Also, as first time playing the game, character movement feels very heavy and clunky with things like a big delay after landing from a jump. Maybe there's ways to cancel these animations because I did glance past such a thing in the tutorial so you could blame me for that.
shoutouts to last hour submission devs
would drink with generic ninja guy at a bar.