This game definitely took some getting used to to figure out what was going on. Mostly due to the different death messages and not having a clear answer to specifically what killed me. There were some guesses I could make, and I definitely got it after a few times of the same thing, or just one, but it still would've been better if it had some direct explanation. An image, something, to relay that fact that THIS killed you, BE CAREFUL.
One big thing for me UI wise as well was the fact that the burrito count was, essentially hidden on the stand of the shop, rather than on the player. Even though it applies ton how many burritos the player can shoot. Rather than how many the stand has in stock, which would make a lot more sense. I feel like a counter, or some image on the screen, maybe a physical representation on the player, etc., would be way better than just showing it on the stand.
Another thing that was a bit weird to me was the fact that the rating system for the sign seemed to be quiet arbitrary from what I saw. It seemed to jump up at weird amounts and change the max burrito cap at others etc.. Some feedback on when rating was gained, or what from would be incredible. Just say, a face image of the character who gave it, or a + and a image of why etc..
Overall though, this was an interesting game with some decent setup and some cool stories going throughout depending on what happens. Though I do have to say that the tutorial essentially hand waving away the majority of the mechanics was definitely not what I would've preferred. There were so many little things that were completely left out. Or big things, like the burrito cap or the fact that you're shooting burritos, not specifically bringing them to customers.
Otherwise though, a very good game, especially for the time period you had and just overall.