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It’s a nice little runner game. I find it charming that the ending scene changes whether or not the player makes it in time, which is a good way of storytelling rather than just killing the player when the timer reaches 0, so good job on that! The controls however, could use some improvement as the character doesn’t remain in contact with the ground sometimes and wouldn’t jump at the right time. It also doesn’t make sense that the top of the car kills, but the top of a bus doesn’t, as they’re all stationary anyway. Little animations could improve this game a great deal too. Lastly, the word COINS goes against the rules of the jam. Best wishes!

thanks allot for trying it.  and the advice, i just realized that i put the words work and coins in the game could have replaced them with just some icons, it would have been good to add something so you don't have to close the game in order to try the new ending, but still even do the game is extremely unpolished it was a great learning experience.