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I enjoyed playing this game and I think it has some potential to be a full game. The gameplay is great. I like how the starting screen shows the highlighted keys on the keyboard, that’s a great way to show the controls without text! The level design could be improved a little, it’s a little hard to navigate even with the flashlight on. Having more places of interest would be good. Another suggestion is to just spawn all the items and let the player collect as they go; it doesn’t make sense to have to finish each part in order, and have the next set of items magically spawn in. The robot AI needs some work too. Other than that, I think everything else was executed very well. Great job!

Yea hard to navigate was intentional and the way of spawning the parts was also intentional, I wanted the player to spend more time playing the game and feel the annoyance of how unpredictable the robot can be than just finishing the level in a couple of mins. I agree the Robot's AI is kinda dumb, it can only spot u if u come anywhere near the where it's eye's lights are pointing at.
Thank you so much for enjoying the game <333333333333333333333333333