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Wow, that’s sooo interesting! Now I really want a new Team Salvato game lol. Also, who is saying the binary code message? It sounds like it could be Monika, but does anyone know for sure?

And that Project Libitina site is super spoopy. That part about “third eye” gave me chills lol. Also, look at this quote:


Twitching; vocal tics; biting; epiphora; vomiting; screaming; harm to examiner; 
harm to self; misplaced laughter                                                
Any self-harm attempts must be interrupted immediately.”

Doesn’t this sound...a bit like Yuri? Maybe I’m reading into this too much though, but maybe this “Libitina” is a relative of Yuri? Like a sister or something? Does anyone have any information that could support or deny this? 


Yeah, actually! Also, I'm trying to find if Projectlibitina was posted on the 12th of November, because that is confirmed that the 12th of November is Yuri's Birthday.