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I was looking around a bit for solving the problem, and I'm afraid I have bad news. I can't fix it, at least not at this moment. The amount of work is so big, that it would greatly complicate everything for me. It literally requires to rebuild the whole system. Thus, at this moment, I'm sorry I can't do anything. Probably the only option is to wait for the next release of Linux Mint, or I will have more luck in the future and I will find a solution which doesn't require that large amount of work. :(


From what I can tell there's no way around it until I get a new computer (or partition one I have but I'm not going to do that just for a single game). I plan on getting a new windows machine soon anyways (because unfortunately most of the world only works with either windows or mac...).

Of course, I understand. Especially for that small game. :) Other workaround is to use Windows version with Wine. This should work.