need to add some form of skip to dialogue, had to turn on numkeys and spam click to get past it after accidentally pressing escape, returning to menu and having it restart twice the entire dialogue... A few hundred clicks needed to just be able to start playing the game. Add manual save instead of these unclear random predetermined save points.
Also, having all sign dialogue auto-popping is really weird, especially since the ? dropdown thing says that F is the button to interact, but nothing I've run into can be "interacted" with on command and is automatically interacted with when getting close to it.
A sprint option would be nice as well.
Last thing is, add a settings menu instead of the tiny text at the bottom of the main menu and for the love of god don't return me to the main menu when pressing escape. Every game in the history of gaming has had settings on escape, not quit the game... It's gamer muscle memory. If you don't want an options tab, at least add a confirmation box >.<.
Edit: Decided to give another chapter a try a little bit later, same issue. Spam clicking skip dialogue for ages, pressing escape trying to open sound settings, everything restarts because i get booted to the main menu. If you want people to read your story, don't shove it down their throat with unskippable dialogue as the first thing the player sees. Does not give a good first impression.
The game looks good based on the screenshots, but it's too frustrating to play atm. 20 minutes "played" and I have achieved nothing except collecting 1 log. 15 of those minutes were spent staring at dialogue boxes.