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(1 edit) (+1)

Would be nice if I could eat food off the floor without picking it up. Kind of annoying to have to drop something, pick up food, eat food, pick thing up. I get wanting to limit how much food you can carry, but in this specific scenario I dont think it changes anything gameplay wise, just makes it less time consuming.

Also ran into a constant glitch of enemies, my hand/what its holding, and sometimes the hud flashing in and out of existence a lot. See video:

I would also suggest making the doors (lading to unexplored rooms) a but more apparent on the map. When I was first playing I opened the map and was confused where to go since I though the map was showing i explored everywhere.

Good luck with the game!

edit: Oh, I was playing on linux by the way. Everything outside of the visual glitch mentioned seemed to work properly


I think that issue may be related to vsync settings, which i will implement properly in the next build.
The food eating is a good idea, i will implement it.