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Hi! I just played the first two chapters and really enjoyed the experience.  There are some things that I would like to suggest:

1. While I was playing I was very lost in the park.  It was really hard for me to get familiarized in time with the enviroment to move confidently in it.  I recommend considering a map of some kind because players could end up getting lost and going around in circles because of this.

2. I had issues with the lighting.  I turned the brightness up to max and I still could not see very well specially when I was running from the killer.  I suggest that the lamp post and the cellphone lights should shine brighter.  It is just so that the player can see where they are going when they are running from the killer and not get lost because of how dark it is

3. When looking for the key to open the power house I had a hard time finding it because it blended to much with the enviroment.  I heard the audio cue letting me know it was nearby but I think you should add some type of visual cue so that the item is easier to spot.

I will be uploading my lets play later on but I wanted to leave this feedback because the game shows a lot of promise and really want you guys to be succesful.  I hope my feedback helps.  

Hey, thank you very much for your feedback! We appreciate every review. There are of course a lot of improvements besides the new chapter we are already working on.