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Hint   (hotkeys  [123...]  
Seems to be "day"  sensitive:  
-1st week:   nada;
-2nd week:       **WORKING**   (D10)     Ex:     talking to Guild leaders.     [need to check dates working/not on Quests] 

Maybe this is connected to something that was changed in 1st 2 weeks? 

Wondering if this could be connected to the  "screen" bugs?   [more like   "return to Mansion"   or " Location" bugs!   ]     ?

Anyone else tested/experienced this?     [worked *FINE* in 5.3!]  

Further testing shows  *BOTH*  "screen bug"    (different post)  & hotkeys  (shortcuts)  *BOTH*    "location based."    (for lack better term) 


-   STAY  @  Mansion.      (everything fine.)      [time/date's don't matter]       (or visit town) 
-  DUNGEONS:        End of Quests   (Clear?   )   or any runs----AT END.     (at least once got bug with repeated  [start] msg:    Fight/leave) 

Oh,   1 more thing:        save -->  EXIT,   restart & load  sometimes  "Fixes"   stuff     (but not if you do after all locations lost----Time maybe critical here?))

Have posted this elsewhere,  but will repeat here since relevant to thread:  
[location/screen bug]  
--->>>   Encountered *ONLY*  when returning from Dungeon!

Just a Thought----no evidence to support----but wonder if loosing (hotkeys/shortcuts/etc) key support,   Prelude to Location bug???
(Both seem travel related)