That was absolutely lovely! I remember playing the original jam version or something close to it back in 2019 and being very sad when I ran out of content to explore, so it was a lot of fun sitting down and going through the finished game. It's incredible just how quickly you can get deeply attached to well-written characters (Natalie seems like someone I'd genuinely like to be friends with), and watching all their personal arcs unfold was almost more satisfying than the good ending itself!
I think my favorite part is the subtle differences in dialogue depending on circumstance. The way that for certain cutscenes and conversation paths you have different dialogue entirely depending on who's in the room and whether you've met the person before. As a writer and programmer myself, that kind of attention to detail always really wins me over to a game.
Of course, as a lover of music my second-favorite part has to be Purrgatory Blues :V
My only regret is that I never managed to locate that last snowglobe...