Thanks for the future good luck. I trust you won't enjoy my latest game either ;)
Firstly, Pacific is a highly atmospheric and tense experience. It's roughly 10 minutes of game play. The characteristic of the game is that despite all your apprehension of progressing any further, the reality is that there is no physical threat and that you've wound yourself up for no logical reason.
Secondly the subject matter is nuclear weapons and atomic testing in the 50's and 60's. The enemy is all around you; and I'm not intending to sound pretentious with that. The devastation of the nuclear blast and the side effects of the radiation surround you for the duration of this short experience. How could I possibly put a monster in there or some other kind of enemy? What would be the point and what purpose would it serve (in a story sense)?
There are thousands of games available that have an enemy in there chasing you around but Pacific is not one of them.