Like Moggie there, I too made an accout to comment here.
This was probably the coolest thing I have ever downloaded. I went through it in both directions. It is so well thought out. The Characters are utterly Amazing!...The mix of personality in the entire story is utterly incredible. Like Zack & Barden, I am not really sure what I am. I despise labels, I think they are the problem & not the solution. I am just not one to advertise. But I would give anything to find a Braden in my life. But Jesus, this was a story that I believe every human being needs to not only see, but need to live. I am pretty old at this point. Much of life behind me. But Wow, Just Wow. What a story. Please keep me updated on future releases, if they are half as good as this story, You got me. Bravo, AWESOME JOB & Best of luck to you. Please keep this going. The world needs Zack, Braden, Mikile, Ash & even Cody. I will come back to this story, often. Sorry I don't wish to look at it as a game, but a truly interactive book. And a Damned Good one, on par with Excellence.
Thank You