I was just recently told of this game's existence and I knew I HAD to give it a shot. After seeing almost beat for beat similar games made from following your tutorials I knew I had to try this one made by the man himself. I have to say, it's far better than the copies for sure but that's what I'd expect. I wasn't a huge fan of the Fear Meter mechanic, it just seemed pointless to me. Like I'd never be able to fully fill the meter so I didn't feel in danger at all. But overall an awesome short little experience. Thanks for making it!
Oh hey! Thanks for playing :)
So in a nutshell, if you played it again, it randomizes the location of some of the of items, which causes slight anxiety as you think you know where the items are, but they've moved and because know you're timed, it puts pressure on. Basically, it's just a quick way of showing how to do timed things in a game.
I could have made this waaaay better if I'd have developed longer than 12 weeks, but then that defeats the object lol.
Mind if I share the video?