Ya know... I remember back in the builds before this one, there were a lot of people posting about how hot Argos was and how much they wanted more of him, to date him, etc. Gifs of petting and proteccing the snake boi. I was wondering if those people were just like... not actually reading the content and considering any of the implications of this psycho torturer or what, but now I just have to ask, were any of those sockpuppets or shitposts by you guys as the devs or anyone else in the know? I didn't want to stir shit but I wanted to how the heck people were stanning this mustache twirlingly evil snake that is literally wearing Asterion's pelt as a trophy, like are y'all that horny?
The route is tough but tells a good story, thanks goodness for the perspective shift and revelations that come in Ruthless 2, would've just been too hard without it. Heck, it was still hard to read, even knowing the MC at this point sealed his fate and is going to not have a happy ending for his actions because we still see Asterion's suffering in full.
I plan on writing up a more detailed summary of the route for those who don't want to walk it themselves. Are there any parts you guys as the Devs (Nanoff and MinoAnon, since I haven't seen Awoo, Kangarube, or Nemo around, unless all of y'all sharing the main account in which case hi) would prefer to not be spelled out in such a summary because you'd like it to be a surprise later in the game for anyone who doesn't go down this route? Obviously that can't stop anyone else from dropping those deets, but still figured I'd ask, since everyone has been a little gunshy on the full details of the spoilers to this route so far.