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Alright, i've discovered this game because of Markiplier video on it and not gonna lie, i had to play it. I LOVE this kind of game where you decide and in which decision are making your world walking in a direction or another. I've been playing a bit(and got 6000 people, 1000 love and roughly 3000 gold at some point. And if the game had kept giving me something for my trouble, i'd be still playing it.

Some people said that we should use the "No" button more and i have to agree. I even booted up a soft that press Y every 500ms to see if it would fuck up my game. But even then, the event are so regular and the "good event" is so commun that it does kill the interest. But you are totally on the good path with your game already. The gameplay is simple yet really fun and effective. What it really need is more work on character and choice. If you would add new character, if you would add more game changing decision, if you kept adding fun and weird and nice news scenario to the game i could end up playing that game WAY more.

Let's be faire, the gameplay is simple and so it's not really what kept people in the game. The graphism is great but yet simplistic and that good too, cause people don't really play the game for 4k graphics anyway right? Well... hopefully... No, they play because they want to know more, they want to know what the fuck is going on in this kingdom, why does this guy showing, why does he ask for money, why does that woman does with her worker for the garden, who the hell are the plant people, where does that robot come from? We want to know who's gonna show next, a troll? An astronauts?

Also, another good way to change the game a bit but keeping the same gameplay and the same vibe? Having decision impacting on what ever going on next. Let's say guard ask for a new "look out tower" then if you say yes, they will be on the look out for ennemy and might spot bandit or such and prevent "bad event". Having the garden could help cure some plague during special event.

So, i guess what i'm trying to say is that your game is pretty much perfect as it is. It just need more meat around the bone and it would keep me playing again, and again and again and again. I'd like to discover more about this town, this castle, this country, this world, those people, those alien, this dragon, those ghost... i think you get the idea. Anyway. Keep the good work :)