One of my personal favorites so far - a simple mechanic that is used at least 3 different ways. Really polished feel and vivid graphics!
- I spent an enormous amount of time on the boss, partially due to the fact that a) I am never sure which direction piglet will throw itself on, I noticed that when I step away, the pig also steps away in that direction, making aiming really hard and b) With the pigs in ships, I wonder if it makes more sense to aim at the entirety of the ship rather than the pig in the ship. Just really frustrating experiencing in aiming, again.
- Sometimes pigs will just throw themselves off the cliff... considering how they're an "ammo" in the last boss battle, made me restart couple of times.
- In certain cases where you need the pig, I would suggest they respawn after a certain amount of time. Like when you need to be pushed to an island or in the last boss battle. I can imagine much larger levels where losing pigs forever could be very frustrating.
But the game is really fun to play. You game design skills are great!