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(heh nice core)

“Well good for you ell”

“I’ll let you calibrate it and the we can get going”

(Hehe :)    


He tilted his head at him

-d-does he know!? Please god please don't let him know-  

“Your leg, go and calabrate it and then let’s get going!”


His eyes widened 



“Go on, no rush”

"U-U-Um I-I-" 

His mind was going blank-he couldn't just attach the foot quickly, these things took time-if he rushed it, he could seriously damage his operating systems-h-he couldn't leave like this-not with a stump of a leg trailing wires-he couldn't refuse he-this was the prince-and he couldn't...just deny it...........

MIN looked up at Aki, sensor lighting up          

???: "P-Prince Aki!! I-It is an honor to meet you-I-I've always dreamed of this moment-" 

"M-MIN! I-I-I'm so sorry-s-she has a faulty programming chip-" 

???: "I am NOT faulty!! Hmph!" 

“it’s quite alright”

“I’m a prince after all, it happens”


He rubbed the back of his neck 

“also if you are wondering how I knew…I have my ways~

“Take as much time as you need!”

He stepped into a limocraft
