I guess mostly the mild connection to the duck race series... It is just very silly and I like that!
Also I am trying to play and rate every game in this jam.
The thumbnail could have been improved a little. I really like the paint look of it but is is cropped a little bit weird. The text should be a little bit more prominent...
The text is actually funny, but I probably had written something in adition. For instance a little description of whats actually going on located under the "Buisness duck" paragraph.
The best tip I could give though would be to work on the page a little bit more! I don't consider my pages to look good in any way but my philosophy is that the page is already a part of the game and itch really gives you lots of possibilities on how to customize a page.
HERE are some pages that might take it a bit to far, but that's kinda what I mean. YOu don't need to go this far but the page is the part your players will see first.
For game jams though I can give you one last piece of advice, make the game be playable in browser! This will make so many more people play it as most don't wanna download something first. I hope that helps!