Ah, yeah, that is an issue if you drop it below the ground. It should pop back up unless is was really far below the landscape when you dropped it. I'll figure out a way to fix it, probably an initial line trace that shoots upwards first to sense if it is below the ground or not before checking for the ground below it. Seems simple to just code "dropping" something, but it gets quite complicated based on where you drop it from and the things around it that it can collide with. Thanks again. I'll be pushing a small update soon and more frequent updates afterwards which I'll address this bug in. It is related to the bug that causes the well and firepit to freak out too :D
It was so far away I have no idea how far under it was, I could swear I could see the top of the Cureing Rack when it happened, but that's a lot taller than the cot and I assume the bottom of the object is what matters for placement.
As someone who knows nothing about coding it all sounds very complicated lol