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-I didn't figure this out either until this morning, lol. You're not alone! It's just hiding in plain site.There's an upgrade button under the letter. So under F it will say 'upgrade' and click on that. It will tell you how much money you need, and people hired in order to upgrade. 

-Likewise, when you click on ranch employees it will also have a button that says "level up" and accordingly will tell you what you need to upgrade your ranch employees with. 

-Another thing that I didn't realize until today was the upgrade for what the employees make (milk, eggs, wool, etc). 

-As well as the upgrade button for the Milk, Egg, and Wool factories, and in the corner it gives you two different upgrade options. 

-When you click on let's just say for example, the Milk Factory. Then in the corner of the screen you will find the details needed for both the produce & factory upgrades. 

-I'll also add the images pertaining to this down below if they help! And that way anyone else that has the same question can also check here for it. Sorry if the images are super large, I wasn't able to make them smaller.

Upgrading Ranch

omg!!! Thank you so much!!!!

No prob! Glad I could help😆🙌

How do you go to the love hotel and have...with Moocha? I have been trying for a long to figure it out and I can't


Oh man, sorry I missed your reply. I had to go back to diving into a school term paper and a group project for my professors💀, and when I dive into hw I sometimes forget my surroundings 😭.

To answer your question, I actually haven't gotten that far myself🥲. But last I went to the love hotel, I was given a quest after talking to that police duo. So I'm assuming the love hotel will open up after I complete the quest for getting the owner of the hotel to help out the police in staking out their suspect. 

For me, I couldn't outright do the quest because it said my Knowledge Stat was lacking. So I have to go back and build that first (via reading books in the library or watching the news when your at home). So I'm assuming once I have a full knowledge meter, and go back to complete the quest, I will unlock the love hotel options👀 🙌!

oh no worries at all.

To give you some insight on the love hotel.  It will automatically take you if you have not done anything when you spend  enough time with him. The only thing is I do not know how to go there on one’s own accord in other words just go there after a date.  etc. 

You might have missed my "go-to" explanation down below, or maybe pictures are just always best! Here's some pictures just in case it helps more. As you can see, the last image down below has Ban now outside at night, after clicking on the town map. From there you can pick where you want to go. Hope this helps!

Oh! You said "go-to" lmao, see how tired I am. This is what hrs upon hrs of school work does to me🤣. Anyways, I actually didn't realize this either until today. But at the end of the day when your taken home. 

In Ban's room, in the bottom left hand corner where the map screen is. Click on that and it actually takes you to the night life aspect of Banana Ranch. The only places you can visit at night tho, is the bar, the forest, the ranch, and the love hotel I believe. If you still can't figure it out, then feel free to send me another reply and I'll screen shot where it is in-game tomorrow after my classes let out🙌