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Thank you so much for playing my game, and for the feedback - I genuinely appreciate it!!
Yeah, I think phase 3 needs a little increase on the timer he uses to make decisions, it's a little too fast at the moment. And maybe shave a couple cycles off of his "Mask Dash Attack"!
I'm surprised that the dash felt useless, how would you suggest improving it to make it feel more useful? I know I dashed around like crazy during playtesting, so I'd love to hear ways that I could make that feel better for the player!

(2 edits) (+1)

Hmm maybe the dash is more useful than I thought, on my second playthrough I used it a lot more, but the game never taught you what the dash did in combat so I just never used it I guess. Also I should note I preferred using z and x for attack and dash because that’s what I’m used to in other games.


Great point! I should have made it clearer that the dash prevents damage by having you dash through some kind of damaging wall that you otherwise couldn't pass or something, rather than using it to get across a gap! Great call-out! :D

And hearing that you prefer the alternate control scheme makes me super happy I decided to add that in during the last couple hours of the jam, haha! Maybe that even would have been better as the default control scheme! :)