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this was such a good take on the theme!! i loved the mystery of what new time-passing element was going to be introduced next, and i appreciated that the minigames were all very different from each other. the art and music were very charming and also stylish!

one suggestion is that at the end the time acceleration happened too fast for me to notice/appreciate. i thought i had 9 years to go and suddenly it said 0, 0, 0! if there was a way to make that a little more gradual just so players could appreciate all the work they'd been doing, i think that would make for a much more satisfying payoff!

Thanks for playing and leaving feedback! I definitely had trouble balancing the upgrades and scaling system. In the end I settled on this extremely quick curve because I figured I was already pushing the limit of what people will play in a jam, so it's helpful to get feedback on one of the open questions I had on release