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It has been almost 3 months since the production diary has been updated,  5 months for the development log, and a month since a dev has responded to a comment.  I have commented this before, in my review in for Hayato's route, but an 'official' monthly update would be nice, even if it is just "still continuing this project!" The long stretches of silence, dropping a new route, and then more silence after maybe a month or two of release is incredible unnerving. I understand delays and having to focus on work and such, but I don't understand leaving everyone in the dark about what is happening. I enjoy this game and hope to see it finished one day, but until then, I would like to know the status of the game's progress.

(I apologize if this is a bit demanding or brash, but leaving fans in the dark about progress, paying fans at that, never seems to end well. I have waited almost three years for this game, and I'm willing to wait longer, but regular updates will make it more bearable for everyone.)


Thank you for your feedback. You're completely right of course, and we're sorry to have caused any worries or inconvenience. I'm usually the one who updates our social media and I've been stretched very thin recently due to a death in the family, among other things. I'll set a reminder for myself on my calendar and try my best to keep up monthly updates like before. I understand that it's important to keep everyone updated and I'll improve on that. Again, our apologies for not being more transparent.