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I thought this game was adorable! Like it came straight out of a children's book! It had a nice story that size doesn't matter, the voice acting was great, and the visuals were simple, but it worked out better that way. As for the actual gameplay and controls, I was so confused at first. I flung myself from the "catapult" (which is actually a "slingshot") and my character flew off screen to never be seen again. After I realized that you're supposed to turn directions mid-air, it made a little more sense. But this game would've improved a lot if the character just respawned back at the slingshot. There have been times where I would just barely not make it to the slingshot and I'd have to restart back at the beginning.

Overall, a very cute game with a nice story, but the controls definitely have room for improvement. I might be being a little generous because I have a soft spot for cute games, if this was any other game with the same controls I'd give it much less. Personally, I'd give this game 3 out of 5 stars.


Thank you so much for the feedback Bunny πŸ€—

You are right that it is a slingshot, in Dutch both a catapult and a slingshot are called a β€œkatapult”, so it was from that translation that the wrong nomenclature was born. Although I hope that didn’t take away from the experience 😜

Getting back to the slingshot is the only real challenge in the game, if you would always automatically re-spawn there is no difficulty in collecting all the leafs. But it is true that I could have experimented with other means of returning the character or make returning to the slingshot more fun and satisfying.

Appreciate your feedback and you playing though my little game 😁