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What a nice game! Also, the only 3D project I've encountered apart from our own (I am still grinding through quite a bit of games though, haven't seen it all).

  • Sometimes the lighting would be pretty dark so I won't even see some items I can pick up. I had to smash my E button to find that card in the first room. That said, it didn't happen too often.
  • I saw your comments about minimap.. While I get it that it was your design intention, a lot of players (me including) easily get lost in these corridors and as a result reluctant to continue.. maybe it could be a setting? So that people who want to immerse themselves can do so, but other poor creatures like me could make use of it to remember which card goes there.
  • Was the SFX intended to be more futuristic? I felt like there was a bit of a disconnect between high-tech weaponry and real gun sounds.
  • Would love to see more of the story. What was that robot-boss at the end? O_o
  • Nice design of the ship!

Beautiful, concise and engaging. Great project!

Thanks for the great feedback! I agree with your comment about finding objects - I have already addressed this in the updated version of the game that I will upload post-jam, in which all interactable objects have an outline. There is a flashlight though already when you press F ;)

I might experiment with adding a mini-map back in - maybe a more basic one than the way the controller did it - as I don't want people to get lost so much as feel uncertain as to what is around the next corner. From other feedback I think that I might have gone a bit too far with "jump-scares", so will be working on a way to reduce that a bit and instead increase apprehension.

Gun-wise, to be honest I couldn't think of a better way to do it in the time available - I might swap out the sounds and make them more like blasters than everyday gun sounds...

The story is definitely not fully implemented yet - the final boss was supposed to be some sort of weaponised mech that the ships computer had constructed. I want to add more story elements to the game, like having dialog between the player and the computer. I might even extend it so that the player could maybe try and fix the computer before having to give up and evacuate the ship... not sure yet!