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That was a fun but very challenging experience. I loved the art style and the overall story. The question, of course, is: is this man truly killing monsters and seeing horrors or is he simply insane? The truth, we may never know. But regardless of whether it was real or imaginary, the game itself was amazing, truly. Stage three was very challenging and seemed to require a lot of stealth rather than brute force, or run-and-gun. And actually, I liked the challenge. It was super frustrating dying over and over and having to retry the same level about five times. But once I got it, the ending was so rewarding. Thank you, game developer yanghoejin, for this amazing horror experience! May you create many more epic games in the future!


BAzE! I can't believe you gave me such a great idea. I was touched. As you said, the ending is not fixed. What the player feels and thinks is the conclusion. It took about six months to make this game, but many people commented that it was never a wasted time. Thank you so much. I will cheer up and make the new game I's