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Humorous game, but it's not 1D in any sense. As in Flappy Bird, you move up and down while the 1 towers move in a direction that is perpendicular. Even if you imagine that you're looking at a 1D slice of the screen where 1 towers appear and disappear, you are still imagining a 1D cross section of a 2D plane.

This is also not the first. I played a game several years ago that actually was 1D, and it amused me as well. It was a linear platformer, only one direction. I forget how the obstacles worked but it either involved gaps or doors. Either way, something impeded your progress and you had to do something to press on.

The only way it would work is if you mean 1D game as in a game about 1s and Ds, completely divorcing it from the meaning of being one dimensional, and if that's the case, then this is clickbait, shame on you.


you sound like fun