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You know what irks me? People who complain and outright insult others while not even having the decency to read the news right above their post, news that are available there for more than 2 months for anyone to read. Even reading some of the posts here would have propably enlightened you.

But I get it, it's easier to just complain...


sorry not trying to made any one mad just gave my opinion that's all nor if you got hurt or something I'm really sorry. But try to think it my way too I'm one of those how don't have any money or something then what options do I have? I am sorry to say but no other option then piracy which I don't do or don't want to or even not appreciate doing so,in conclusion I/We kinda feel left out. BTW I love your work and even now I don't own or have the game so I don't know what's happening in the story rn.